Independents Day

This week, we’re scrapping ‘What’s up Weekend’ because this Friday is Independence day, but not quite as we know it. The clever little indie folk have all pulled together and they’re having ‘Independents Day’.


Personally, I feel this is something that Bristol really excel themselves with, there’s so much spirit and creativity in bringing communities together and I love the celebration of that- in addition to there being a really high standard of Bristol Indies. It’s all wonderful stuff, really.


The aim of the day, outlined by their site, is to:


  1. Encouraging shoppers to shop independently
  2. Encouraging retailers to market themselves collectively by high street
  3. Encouraging retailers, community groups, Neighbourhood Partnerships/Forums, other businesses and business associations to work together to support our high streets


So, guys. Let’s support everyone and do our bit- go along and just grab some food from one of the participants or just have a check on what they’re up to.


Also, if you head on over to the Independents Day site, you can find recipes and all the necessary information (notable fave: the bubble and squeak cakes with speedy salad).


Please, Bristol- have a marvellous Independence AND Independents Day.



What’s up Weekend? 27.6.14

This week we have witnessed the carnivorous actions of Suarez and the grand beginning of the quintessentially English tournament, Wimbers; what a bizarre combination that was. So, when we’re not over at Cabot Circus watching the matches in the sun while sippin’ on a bubble tea, we will most likely be found stuffing our chops with […]

What’s up weekend? 20.6.14

Ah, Bristol- you babe. The weather has been amazing and (apparently) there’s lots more ahead of us. Plus, dare we say it, The World Cup is officially in full swing. Who you backing?     Friday:   This week saw the start of Big Green week– the UK’s festival of eco ideas, art and entertainment. Across the […]

What’s up weekend? 13.6.14

  The weather has been part crazy this week but things don’t seem to be finishing off too badly. Anyway, less nonsense and more weekend. What’s up?     Friday:   This weekend the Festival of Football Ideas continues, and I think they’ve been a bit of a treat so far. Did anybody else make […]

What’s up weekend? 6.6.14


Buh- so. It’s almost the weekend, the weather has been pretty crap, we’re a week away from The World Cup, what does Bristol have to offer us? We would also quickly like to take this opportunity to congratulate our winner of the £20 Your Street Gift Card- it was tough, but we loved the imagination of the entry: blackberry picking in Bristol <3


What’s up weekend? 30.5.14

  Bristol, the bank holidays are over until August and believe it or not, it’s almost summer (kind of). Let’s celebrate!   This weekend we will be mainly recovering from the four day week and waiting around to see if the weather can decide what it’s doing- pub, anyone?   Seriously though, this week we’re really […]

What’s up weekend? 23.5.14

In true British fashion, the weather is expected to take a turn for the dire this weekend. Why? Probably because it’s the bank holiday. Never mind. There’s plenty of excellent happenings in Bristol. Let’s disco in the rain!   Friday: This may be your only opportunity for relax time- or this may be your first […]

What’s up weekend? 16.5.14

  We’re pretty much there, it’s almost the weekend. And for the majority, haven’t we have some lovely weather? Great climes  are also forecast for the weekend, which means perfect weather for visiting our beautiful Bristol Lido or taking a drive out to the countryside or Weston Bay, I just love the countryside in the summer. […]

Maison Paradiso: return to the mansion

  A grade 1 listed mansion, cocktails, burlesque and disco, what’s not to love? We certainly won’t forget our night at Maison Paradiso – Return to the Mansion Upon arriving to the mansion we were pretty excited to get inside and discover what all the fuss was about. Trotting up the grand steps to the entrance, we […]

What’s up weekend? 9.5.14

    With the excitement of the slide and our first May bank holiday over, it’s possibly time to recuperate and rest? That may all seem wise and well but being in Bristol with such good offerings it seems wrong to hide away. There’s plenty of happenings that are carrying on from last weekend including Bristol Food […]

May 2014

The beginning of May has brought new locations to the app, just in time for bank holiday. We’d love to know of the further places you’d like added, as very soon, this could benefit you!        


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What’s up weekend? 2.5.14

Ah, that wonderfully smug feeling that there’s another bank holiday weekend looming- yes, so soon! But aside from the four day week and extra lie in,  it’s also another opportunity to indulge in some Bristol time and feast on the May BH (V1) offerings…   This is the first weekend of Bristol Food Connections and there’s […]